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Panch karma

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine which aims to keep a human being healthy by guiding about the life style, Diet and Medicines. Ayurveda works on the principle of balancing the DOSHA (vatta,pitta,kaphaa) and balancing gunnas(properties) by the means of desired changes in Diet (Aahar), life style (Vihar) & if required introduction of some medicines. Ayurveda insist on prevention and balancing of body & mind. As per Ayurvedic concept every individual has different property so their treatment plan their medicines and their diet may vary, hence at Healing Mantra our doctor will first analyze the body constitution of individual known as Prakriti after that he will plan a therapy regimen as per requirement which includes your diet management along with life style management plans.

Ayurveda believes in purification procedures known as Panchkarma. Panchkarma basically means five procedures to purify the body. The complete process is like this
  • Purvakarmas (Pre-treatment)
  • Panchakarma (the original fivefold Ayurvedic detoxification procedures)
  • Paschatkarma (Post-treatment)








Comprises two types of preparatory treatments: Snehana (internal and external oleation with natural herbal oils) and Swedana (sudation or steam therapy). During these treatments we will gradually encourage your excess Doshas to move from your limbs to the digestive tract, their proper site, from which they can be eliminated in next Phase.


This is the main phase of our ultimate detox therapy. The five Panchakarma treatments deeply purify the body and restore it to perfect harmony, as Nature intended. The five Panchakarma treatments are

  • Vamana (Medicated emesis)
  • Virechana (Medicated purgation)
  • Basti (Medicated enema)
  • Nasya (medication through the route of nose)
  • Raktamokshana (Blood letting)








The Paschatkarma is a post therapy treatment in which your body is encouraged to remain in a state of detoxification. This achieved by you following a list of dos and don’ts (Pathya-Apathya) as advised, according to your Dosha and nature, by our doctors. The list will include diet and lifestyle recommendations which you will need to follow to fully benefit from the detoxification therapy